Morphological characterization of grain of the Soberana FL rice variety

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Rosa María Álvarez Parra
Edicta Rosa Reyes Ramones
Alexis Antonio Alvarado Parra
Elizabeth del Carmen Valera Chirinos
Yunio José Linarez Cariel
Neida Yelitza Ramos Pérez
Edith del Valle Hernández Ribas
Ramiro De la Cruz †


Plant breeding activity is very dynamic, constantly generating new cultivars for the seed market. The aimve of this study was to broaden the varietal description of the rice grain of the Soberana FL variety, to be useful in the seed sector linked to rice cultivation, which works with rice samples from already harvested seed lots. The study was carried out in the 2016-2017 cycle, considering a sample of 100 panicles derived from genetic seed plants of the variety. Qualitative and quantitative characters were evaluated, using the varietal descriptors proposed for the crop. The Soberana FL variety was characterized by having seeds with fertile glumes of golden color and light brown at the apex and panicles with intermediate type density. The lemma and palea are pubescent towards the apex, with an apex angle of 11° to 40°. It presents long and thin grains, with adequate quality, guaranteeing its level of acceptance in the agro-industry and the final consumer. All the characters studied presented a low statistical variation, which suggests a high uniformity in the variety, factors that facilitate its recognition, both in the field and in the laboratory.


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Álvarez Parra, R. M., Reyes Ramones, E. R. . ., Alvarado Parra, A. A., Valera Chirinos, E. del C. ., Linarez Cariel, Y. J. ., Ramos Pérez, N. Y. ., Hernández Ribas, E. del V. ., & De la Cruz †, R. (2023). Morphological characterization of grain of the Soberana FL rice variety. Revista De Investigación Hatun Yachay Wasi, 2(2), 98–109.


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