Assessment of the impact of sediment production in the Rontoccocha river basin

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Danny Saavedra Ore
Aderlee Gómez Achulli


In recent years, climate change has become the main cause that has greatly affected the quality of life and the economy of many families worldwide. In order to counteract these effects in Peru, the Retribution Mechanisms for Ecosystem Services-MERESE have been implemented, tools to invest economic resources in the recovery and conservation of ecosystems in the water recharge areas of the sources managed by Service Provider Companies. The aim of this research was to evaluate the impacts of sediment production, product of the implementation of the MERESE led by the EPS EMUSAP ABANCAY S.A. The hydrographic unit of the Rontoccocha river and the RUSLE methodology were considered as the study area. Sediment production was calculated and areas with high sediment production were identified. It was found that the highest value of sediment production occurs in areas with high slopes and little vegetation.


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How to Cite
Saavedra Ore, D., & Gómez Achulli, A. (2023). Assessment of the impact of sediment production in the Rontoccocha river basin. Revista De Investigación Hatun Yachay Wasi, 3(1), 35–46.


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