Optimization and productive planning in a multi-producer confectionery factory

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Yixy Ávila Suarez
Héctor Sánchez Vargas


This paper deals about the improvement the economic and financial performance of a multi-production company by using the principles of operations research. It pursues the objective of developing a production planning tool through the solution of an optimization problem that maximizes the profits of a confectionery factory in the face of technological, market and raw material availability constraints. The optimization was carried out using the Excel SOLVER tool and the simplex algorithm used in linear programming. For this purpose, the objective function and the constraints in the form of linear inequalities were initially defined in an Excel spreadsheet. As a result of a first optimization, the products and the quantities to be produced were determined that would allow the maximum monthly profit to be achieved under the prevailing constraints. The identification of new ways to circumvent the prevailing constraints and further successive optimizations would allow an even higher increase in profits, up to about 21.6 %. The proposed tool is easy to apply and has proven to be very useful in analyses aimed at raising corporate profits in multi-producer factories in the face of market constraints, raw material availability and technological capabilities.


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How to Cite
Ávila Suarez, Y., & Sánchez Vargas, H. (2024). Optimization and productive planning in a multi-producer confectionery factory. Revista De Investigación Hatun Yachay Wasi, 3(2), 46–59. https://doi.org/10.57107/hyw.v3i2.72


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