Socioeconomic Characterization of the Province of Tayacaja, Peru

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Ronald Ortecho Llanos
Pedro García Mendoza
Dario Medina Castro
Gino Prieto Rosales


This work was carried out taking as object of study the Andean province of Tayacaja, in the central-southern zone of Peru. Its objective is to characterize the province, considering the fundamental economic activities, human development, infrastructure and physical and climatic conditions, which allows the identification and conception of strategies and plans aimed at the integral development of the region. The characterization started from an extensive documentary review, in which government reports, journalistic reports and official documents issued by the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI) were consulted. The characterization revealed the poor state of the transport infrastructure and a poorly diversified economy with low contribution to the national GDP, with a population with low educational levels and limited housing conditions and access to basic services. The characterization carried out has demonstrated the significant vulnerability of the province of Tayacaja, with a low level of economic and human development, a reality that distances it from fulfilling the SDGs. Strategies and plans aimed at the integral development of the region must be based on the development and motivation of human capital, as well as the use of endogenous resources and renewable energy.


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How to Cite
Ortecho Llanos, R., García Mendoza, P., Medina Castro, D., & Prieto Rosales, G. (2024). Socioeconomic Characterization of the Province of Tayacaja, Peru. Revista De Investigación Hatun Yachay Wasi, 3(2), 124–142.


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