PROXIMAL AND SENSORY CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF A COMPOTE BASED ON GOOSE TOCOSH (Oxalis tuberosa Mol), QUINOA (Chenopodium quinoa), MASHUA (Tropaeolum tuberosum), SOURSOP (Annona muracata)

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Gladis Aldave Palacios
Carmen Minaya Agüero


This research aimed to perform a proximal chemical and sensory analysis of a compote made from oca tocosh (Oxalis tuberosa Mol), quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum) and soursop (Annona muricata). Three formulations were proposed: C280 (oca tocosh 20 %, white quinoa 15 %, mashua 15 %, soursop 35 % and panela 15 %), C750 (oca tocosh 15 %, white quinoa 15 %, mashua 15 %, soursop 40 % and panela 15 %) and C915 (oca tocosh 10 %, white quinoa 15 %, mashua 15 %, soursop 45 % and panela 15%). A sensory evaluation was carried out by a panel of 53 people, semi-trained. The proximal chemical analysis reported proteins (5.5%), fats (1.58%), carbohydrates (90.3%) and ashes (2.6%). The C750 compote presented greater sensory acceptability, with a "like" with 4/5 points. In addition, the microbiological parameters established in accordance with NTS 71-2008-MINSA were met, to be considered innocuous.


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How to Cite
Gladis Aldave Palacios, & Carmen Minaya Agüero. (2023). PROXIMAL AND SENSORY CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF A COMPOTE BASED ON GOOSE TOCOSH (Oxalis tuberosa Mol), QUINOA (Chenopodium quinoa), MASHUA (Tropaeolum tuberosum), SOURSOP (Annona muracata). Hatun Yachay Wasi, 3(1), 25–34.