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Rosa María Álvarez Parra
Edicta Rosa Reyes Ramones
Neida Yelitza Ramos Pérez
Elizabeth del Carmen Valera Chirinos
Edith del Valle Hernández Ribas
Yunio José Linarez Cariel
Marco Antonio Acevedo Barona
Orlando José Torres Angarita
Margelys Beatriz Salazar Estada
María Isabel Navas Rodríguez


A new technological product obtained within the framework of the INIA-FUNDARROZ agreement, Venezuela, was released to the national market under the commercial name of ARAUREÑA FL (FL08193-1P-2-3P-1V). It comes from a triple cross made by the Latin American and Caribbean Fund for Irrigated Rice (FLAR), located in Colombia in 2006, using FL00596-54P-12-3P-M/CT9748-13-2-1-M-M-1-1//FL04577-3P-11-4P-2P-M as parents. In this institution, the first stage of evaluation and selection of the material was carried out until F4 stage, using the genealogical or pedigree method. It was selected by the technical team of INIA Venezuela in the FLAR TROPICAL WORKSHOP in 2008, being sent to Venezuela in the additional FLAR Nursery (TROPICO WORKSHOP 2008-2009V/15). From then on, INIA's rice technical team evaluated it in different trials located in Barinas, Portuguesa and Guárico towns, until 2014. In parallel, activities aimed at obtaining genetic seed were carried out from the original seed received from FLAR, through purification and stabilization tests. The cultivar was registered in SENASEM in the 2015 rainy season, being evaluated in the EVACs of the 2015 rainy, 2015-2016 dry, 2016-2017 dry and 2017 rainy season. It was released on the Venezuelan national market in 2020. This variety is characterized by resistance to leaf and neck blast (Magnaporthe grisea), scald (Monographella albescens), white leaf virus HBV and grain spotting (Fungal complex); intermediate resistance to helminstosporium (Cochiobolus miyabeanus). It has high yield potential which is due to a high tillering capacity, dense panicles with more than 190 grains per panicle, fertility greater than 95 % and a thousand dry seed weight of 24 g. Additionally, it has tolerance to overturning, shelling and good milling and culinary quality of grain.


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Álvarez Parra, R. M., Reyes Ramones, E. R. . ., Ramos Pérez, N. Y. ., Valera Chirinos, E. del C. ., Hernández Ribas, E. del V., Linarez Cariel, Y. J., Acevedo Barona , M. A., Torres Angarita, O. J., Salazar Estada, M. B., & Navas Rodríguez , M. I. (2022). DESCRIPTION OF ‘ARAUREÑA FL’ VARIETY: NEW IRRIGATED RICE CULTIVAR FOR VENEZUELA. Revista De Investigación Hatun Yachay Wasi, 1(1), 128–144.