Microbiological characterization of the body of wáter in the Huasao wetlands (Oropesa-Cusco, Peru)
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Wetlands are considered very important ecosystems and easily vulnerable by humans. The aim of this study was to microbiologically characterize the body of water of the Huasao wetland, Oropesa in the city of Cusco. Samplings were carried out in two times of the year 2022 (dry and rainy). Total coliforms, Enterococcus faecalis, and Escherichia coli were quantified; In addition, the presence or absence of Vibrio spp. at six sampling points. The results were compared with the Peruvian Environmental Quality for Water (EQW) standards. Mann-Whitney was used for the season variable and Kruskal-Wallis, for the sampling point. Most of the parameters evaluated exceeded the standards, so the presence of pathogenic microorganisms would generate a negative effect on local public health.
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