Structural analysis of building of five levels with a cuban adaptation of the System FORSA

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Awaleh Kaireh Youssouf
Ernesto Pérez Cerezáles


The construction system of metal molds for construction that is developed in Cuba using the FORSA System technology is perfectly adapted to the technological possibilities of the Cuban precast industry. The seismic resistance was evaluated from an existing architectural proposal, based on the type cells. The specialized software STAAD.Pro-2008 was used. Two earthquake-resistant structural variants were developed with the Cuban Constructive System of Metal Molds for multi-level buildings, evaluating their structural feasibility for lateral loads, including earthquakes. A three-dimensional structural model was obtained indicating the maximum stresses and displacements for the main load combinations, including seismic loads that act on multi-family five-story buildings in the two variants, based on the structural pre-dimensioning of the components, according to geometry, loads, conditions support and material properties. It was found that both the sizing of the walls and the conformation of the structure resist stresses and displacements imposed by the proposed load system. The advantages of the system can make it a viable alternative for the construction of tall buildings, considering the scarcity of construction systems in the country and the guarantee of being able to achieve a great variety in architectural designs


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How to Cite
Kaireh Youssouf, A., & Pérez Cerezáles, E. (2023). Structural analysis of building of five levels with a cuban adaptation of the System FORSA. Revista De Investigación Hatun Yachay Wasi, 2(1), 66–78.


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