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Maribel Huatuco Lozano
Gabriel Carlos Reyes
Linda Castañeda Halanocca


In the present study, the genotoxic and cytotoxic effects of treated wastewater for irrigation of green areas in parks and gardens in the San Miguel District were evaluated, applying the Allium cepa L test, as well as the growth of root length in Lactuca sativa. This research had an experimental design with two treatments and a control group with three repetitions. The results obtained in the mitotic index (MI) of the samples with treated wastewater did not present significant differences (p > 0.05), which shows that there are no cytotoxic effects since no structural changes were observed in the meristematic cells of Allium cepa L. The control group presented an average root length of 22.33 mm and the root with treated wastewater was 18.95 mm; the normalized residual root elongation (RRE) was -0.1514, which is considered low toxicity. It was determined that the treated wastewater used for irrigation of parks and gardens does not generate genotoxic or cytotoxic effects on the meristematic cells of Allium cepa L.; as well as low toxicity in Lactuca sativa, so the treated wastewater can be used in irrigation of parks and gardens in the district of San Miguel, possibly due to the capacity of DNA to repair itself.


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Huatuco Lozano, M. ., Carlos Reyes, G. ., & Castañeda Halanocca, . L. . (2024). GENOTOXIC AND CYTOTOXIC EFFECTS OF TREATED WASTEWATER FOR IRRIGATION IN PARKS AND GARDENS. Revista De Investigación Hatun Yachay Wasi, 4(1), 51–61.


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