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The aim of this research was to produce biodiesel from recycled domestic oils (RDO) in the town of Las Americas, Abancay-Apurímac. The research was descriptive, applied, with a pre experimental design. 14 L of RDO were collected from three poultry farms; however, the final sample was 3 L. The results were compared with the NTP 321.125 for biofuels and biodiesel; ASTM D 6751 and EN 14214; for the acidity index of the oil, the Codex Alimentarius and for the Lower Calorific Value (PCI) the Argentine regulations (2016) were used. For the RDO, apparent density (923 kg/m3) and acidity index (1,823 mg KOH/g) were determined. The transesterification process was carried out producing biodiesel and glycerin. The biodiesel obtained a yield of 39 %. and the following physicochemical parameters were determined: acid number (0.42 mg KOH/g); Conradson carbon residue (0.06 % m/m); kinematic viscosity at 40°C (5.27 mm2/sec); total glycerol (0.18 % m/m); free glycerol (0.0 % m/m); moisture content (0.06 % m/m); sulfur (0.01 % m/m) and lower calorific value (8,633.75 kcal/kg); of which, moisture content and PCI do not meet the reference standards. The biodiesel obtained can be considered a potential biofuel.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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