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Crhistian Larrea Cerna
Yolinda Ilizarbe Ayuque
Edwin Mallqui Cárdenas
David Callirgos Romero
Daniel Alvarado León


This study analyses the feasibility and effectiveness of composting as a core organic waste management strategy. A systematic literature review was conducted using PICO and PRISMA methodology to segment topics and keywords. The Scopus database yielded 33,880 relevant articles. Bibliometric methods were used to analyze composting research metrics and techniques, including citation analysis, co-authorship and keyword matching, to identify research trends and patterns. Articles published between 2020 and 2024, on environmental, energy and social sciences, were included. The bibliometric analysis identified 359 authors and 287 keywords, highlighting the importance of composting worldwide. Composting is an effective strategy to manage organic waste, reduce landfill waste and improve soil quality. Systematic review and bibliometric analysis provide a comprehensive overview of composting technology and its benefits, highlighting the need to implement it to achieve environmental sustainability.


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How to Cite
Larrea Cerna, C. . ., Ilizarbe Ayuque, . Y. ., Mallqui Cárdenas, E. ., Callirgos Romero, D. ., & Alvarado León, . D. . (2024). EVALUATION OF COMPOSTING METHODS FOR THE TRANSFORMATION OF ORGANIC WASTE INTO NUTRIENTS. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. Revista De Investigación Hatun Yachay Wasi, 4(1), 74–89. https://doi.org/10.57107/hyw.v4i1.87


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