Quality of service and level of satisfaction of external users of the dental clinic of the Technological University of los Andes

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Sharon Yanina Bazán Abarca
Rocío Meza-Salcedo
Alan Pérez-Valverde


The quality of attention to the external user, is a management philosophy, focused on the satisfaction of the users and therefore on the continuous and permanent improvement of the services that are provided, for this reason the objective of this study was to determine the quality of service and level of satisfaction of external users of the dental clinic of the Technological University of the Andes; This study had a non-experimental and cross-sectional design, with an exploratory-descriptive level; the sample was represented by 95 external users, where checklists were used as data collection instruments and the SERVQHOS survey. The perception of quality of the dental clinic was regular (62.5%), 25% perceived it as good and 12.5%, poor quality; the patients stated that they were satisfied in 62.5%. It was concluded that the quality of the service in the clinic was regular, and the level of satisfaction was good; In addition, it complied with both the basic regulatory requirements on infrastructure and equipment according to a health establishment relevant to level I-3, as well as the technical standards for biosafety and protection barriers.


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How to Cite
Bazán Abarca, S. Y., Meza-Salcedo, R., & Pérez-Valverde, A. (2023). Quality of service and level of satisfaction of external users of the dental clinic of the Technological University of los Andes. Revista De Investigación Hatun Yachay Wasi, 2(1), 32–41. https://doi.org/10.57107/hyw.v2i1.33


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