Published: 2024-08-26

Sliding Mode Control Proposal for Non-Linear UT-SEA System

Gaudi Morantes Quintana, Gerardo Fernández López, Benito Fernández Rodríguez, Juan Sebastián  Rincón

22 - 36

Study of the germinative behavior of Capsicum chinense var. Fish Eye seeds under the effects of temperature and light

Luigi Villena Zapata, José Mostacero León, Anthony Jordan de La Cruz Castillo, Armando Gil Rivero, Manuel Sevilla Angelaths, Anthony Gonzáles Pacheco

60 - 70

Physiological parameters of Capsicum chinense and their relationship with the health and climatic conditions in artisanal seed production areas in Yaracuy State, Venezuela

José Gregorio Gómez Cardona, Pastora Josefina Querales, Alexander Hernández Jiménez, Naileth Arelys Méndez, María Isabel Rangel Gutierrez, Julitsa Jiménez, Pedro García Mendoza

106 - 123

Socioeconomic Characterization of the Province of Tayacaja, Peru

Ronald Ortecho Llanos, Pedro García Mendoza, Dario Medina Castro, Gino Prieto Rosales

124 - 142