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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of organic acids on intestinal integrity, productive and economic performance of broiler chickens. One hundred and eleven male chickens of the Cobb Vantres 500, one day old, with an average initial weight of 44.73 g, were used; they were evaluated for 42 days in three phases: Starter (1 to 10 days), growth (11-22 days) and fattening (23-42 days). The chickens were distributed according to a completely randomized block design (RBD) with four treatments: basic diet without organic acids (SAO); basic diet +1.0 kg/t of Fhorce® organic acids (AOF); basic diet + 2.0 kg/t of Salkil® organic acids (AOS) and basic diet + 2.0 kg/t of Prefect® organic acids (AOP), with four replications per treatment being the experimental unit of seven chickens. The formulated diets covered nutritional requirements at each stage, with similar nutritional and energetic value. ANOVA and Tukey’s test were used to compare averages. There was a significant difference (p: <0.05) in weight gain, feed conversion with the addition of organic acids in the diet, and a profitability of 24.2 % for the treatment with Prefect® organic acid (AOP); in addition, in the treatments with Fhorce®, Salkil® and Prefect®, on intestinal integrity, between the measurements of villus height, crypt depth and villus/crypt ratio in the duodenum and jejunum portions at 22 and 42 days of age. The use of organic acids in broiler diets improves their intestinal integrity, economic profitability and productivity.
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